Alla inlägg under december 2011

Av Kicki Magnusson - 23 december 2011 20:00


Angels Fall

A chef moves to a small town in Wyoming after her Boston restaurant is shut down because of a fatal shooting.

Peace Love And Understanding ♥

Av Kicki Magnusson - 22 december 2011 20:00


Carolina Moon

A woman who has psychic visions returns to her hometown to exorcise her demons, and finds both danger and love. 

Peace Love And Understanding ♥

Av Kicki Magnusson - 21 december 2011 20:00


Onsdag idag, Idag hade jag och Mamma tid till klippning och det blev jätte bra, Mitt blev luftigt och väldigt fräsht men jag behöll nästan allt av längden på håret så det är också skönt, Fick otroligt fina komplimanger av frisören, han sa att mitt hår kommer vara jätte tjockt om ett år så det är ju alltid något sen sa han också att det var ovanligt fint inte stripigt eller nått..Så man ska vara glad över det...


SMOOCH is a modern retelling of the classic Frog Prince tale with a romantic comedy twist. A rakishly handsome "English Royal" comes to America for an arranged marriage, and ends up being mugged in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park and left with amnesia. A precocious 11-year-girl, who can't bring herself to dissect a frog in science class, goes to the park with the intent of setting it free, and through a serendipitous misunderstanding thinks she turned the frog into a man after kissing the frog's boo-boo away with a kind smooch. She brings him home and soon realizes the only way she can "keep him" is to have the man impersonate a "Royal Nanny" and convince her beautiful widowed mother to hire him. With the clock ticking and his royal family searching for him, the man - whose memory eventually returns to him - falls hard for the girl's mom, and it seems like a Valentines Day dream come true until he's found by his family and is forced to finally stop being a bit of a "toady"... and become a real man. In the end, the little girl, the guy, and the gal, all discover that even in today's crazy world, "happy ever after" is possible 

Peace Love And Understanding ♥

Av Kicki Magnusson - 20 december 2011 20:00


A Christmas Kiss

Handlar om en tjej som ska ut med sina tjej kompisar men fastnar i hissen med en främmande man. 

Peace Love And Understanding ♥

Av Kicki Magnusson - 19 december 2011 20:00


Once Upon A Time

Centers on a woman with a troubled past who is drawn into a small town in Maine where the magic and mystery of Fairy Tales just may be real. 

Peace Love And Understanding ♥

Av Kicki Magnusson - 18 december 2011 20:00


Sundays At Tiffanys

Michael is a 'guardian angel' who appears when children need an invisible ('imaginary') friend until the birthday after his help worked. His charge from ages 5 to 10, would be-author Jane Claremont, is about to marry Tv series star Hugh Danderford. Now Michael appears again, but neither understands with which mission. He's in love with her, a new experience, gradually seduces her by being his irresistible, soul-mate-like self and becomes corporeal. She stubbornly claims toward him, Hugh and her best friend, a psychotherapist, to remain committed to Hugh. 

Peace Love And Understanding ♥

Av Kicki Magnusson - 17 december 2011 20:00


A Christmas Wedding Tail

A Christmas Wedding Tail is the story of a pair of passionate pooches, Labrador Rusty and Poodle Cheri, who fall head-over-tails in love. The two smitten pups conspire to get their respective owners, Susan and Jake to wed.  Despite Susan’s and Jake’s compatibility, their new blended family turns out to be more than Rusty and Cheri had bargained for. Now, the calculating canines must channel their pooch powers to keep their family from ending up in the dog house.

Peace Love And Understanding ♥

Av Kicki Magnusson - 16 december 2011 20:00


Wallander Vålnaden

Ett hus brinner ner efter en gasexplosion. En man och en kvinna dör. Snart konstateras mordbrand. När man identifierar den döda mannen så vecklar en intrikat provkarta av svek och hemliga kärleksaffärer ut sig. Den bedragna mannen, och tillika mordoffrets kompanjon, misstänks omedelbart av alla, tills han också hittas brutalt mördad i sitt hem. Wallander söker sig tillbaka i männens förflutna och hittar tillslut en trolig gärningsman, på långväga besök, vars uppdrag ännu inte är slutfört. Inte förrän hans dotter får träffa sin döda pappa livs levande igen. 

Peace Love And Understanding ♥

Ovido - Quiz & Flashcards