Alla inlägg den 24 september 2011

Av Kicki Magnusson - 24 september 2011 20:00


Mamma&Pappa åkte till tydinge igår, Nu har de tagit ner tältet och sådant så nästa helg eller något ska de ändra håll på husvagnen så hon får tältet på ett annat håll så det ska nog bli bra, Får följa med upp nästa helg, för de behöver lite hjälp...

The Nanny Express

With their mother dead, Emily and Ben torment their nannies to quit as fast as their father hires them. Till a nanny named Kate shows up and slowly wins Ben over. That's bad enough, but when her father and Kate start to fall in love, Emily sets out to break them up and match him with her ballet teacher.

Family-man David's success in business with partner-friend Chris Wells got him set up in a wonderful residence, but since his wife died in an accident his teenage daughter Emily, who wickedly wants to remain the mistress of the house, and her kid brother Ben mercilessly chased at least 20 nannies, pulling such stunts as planting a pet rat and sabotaging domestic appliances. However penniless Kate Hewitt, who is studying for a teacher degree and taking care of her terminally sick dad Jerry, takes it all with a smile and stays. Soon young Ben is won over by her maternal side and her successful homework coaching makes him and dad proud. David actually develops romantic feelings for Kate, and she for the handsome gentleman-widower. Although their friends encourage them, they hesitate to endanger the nanny job and Em pulls all stops to sabotage the couple in the bud and fix her dad up with another. 

Peace Love And Understanding ♥

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